20 March 2010

Photography and Lighting Courses for 2010 by ric woods

Beginners course – ‘your new digital SLR camera’

Our beginner’s course was a tremendous success. Small classes greatly benefited student to teacher time
The two session course covered lots of information, all the participants left shooting on manual instead of “auto.”
A few participants comments:
Anne said ‘in the second week I had the confidence to get off auto and not be scared of shooting manually’

Robyn liked ric’s ‘professional tips and learning from “the real stuff”, ric showed behind the scenes, and how he solved problems on his recent commercial shoots’

Amanda said she was ‘given the confidence to try new things and experiment’

Continued interest in the Beginners Course shows there is a need for a second intake.

Our “Perfect Black and White” seminar in May 2010 is suited to both beginner and advanced photographers. There are still spaces available in this 2.5 hour workshop requiring basic computer image editing skills– enquiries to maree@ricwoods.
Phone enquiries 02 4962 1066. ric woods photography’s commercial website http://www.ricwoods.com/

Download the 2010 course booklet HERE

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