We had the pleasure of shooting the students of Passmores Business & Managemet College. The shoot was to provide a corporate style of portrait for the graduating students CV. We shot approx 44 individual portraits with several shots for each student and teacher to chose their favourite. 3 full class shots and several shots of the entire college students and staff. This required 5 different setups ( including the moving around of 40+chairs etc) and for each person to chose their image as well as all the required releases and information gathering. We arrived at 9am and had left by 12.30pm. This requires a smooth work flow and good communication skills with your clients as many of these people are camera shy.Maree was fantastic on the production side, she mustered the talent, created the paper trail and I shot each student, she helped them chose their image. This is where shooting tethered to the laptop is a great time saver.It directs the images directly on the the laptops hard drive with almost instant viewing of a large image. ( one disadvantage that still makes me nervous, is that it does not save a copy to the card in the camera)
It was a great shoot and we were really impressed with these young professionals, they are bright and well groomed and I guess that is why Passmores places most into jobs.
Once back to the studio came the editing and the electronic "vanishing cream" to eliminated those odd skin blemishes amongst this crew. Burn student a copy and presto... their First corporate portfolio shot.
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