Maree gave the introduction letting people know the style of photography we shoot at our studio and a bit about our beginnings.

We had a couple of strange heads to demonstrate ,focus,lens selection,aperture,camera shake and correct exposure.

I was shooting tethered to the computer using Nikon's Camera Control 2 ,this enables me to demonstrate not only composition,but,also the histogram and explain about exposure9 both under and over) This program also shows the focus point .I can show our students with a series of exposures how to drop the background out of focus using kit lenses.

Each participant puts the theory into action, this enables them to SEE the results in their own camera.The smiles were forth coming as I showed them on their histogram the blacks,whites and skin tones in their image.I make them over expose their images so they can see their over exposure warning or "blinking" image, then show them how to read a scene and some of the tricks of the trade.

The students were able to compare results and start to work as a group.Everyone was on their own though when the refreshments and Tim Tams were served....

Maree finished off the night by letting our students know that this course does not end here.We are available to answer questions by email and by phone if they get into trouble.Participants are invited to join another beginners class for free if they think they could use a refresher.That is our photography school guarantee...just come again at no cost.Maree also talked about our up coming "Create & Escape" This is a photography weekend away at a resort where people can join into as many or as few photography and lighting workshops as they choose.All meals ,tuition and accommodation is included.There are a couple of spaces left....Interested? Give us a call 02 4962 1066 or email to maree@ricwoods.com.

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